HR International > Services > Consultancy


According to your commercial activity needs, we conduct market research for you and identify manufacturers and wholesalers. 

If You want to evaluate your business opportunity in UK; we as H&R:

•use professional services of local lawyers, accountants, corporate and trustee service providers,

•maintain and keep accounting records,

•hold meetings of directors and shareholders,

•pass resolutions, sign contracts, 

•ensuring import compliance with the import regulations in that country

•payment of the relevant taxes, duties and other fees for the imported goods

•filing the correct documentation, permits and licencing

If you are planning to: 

•Establish an import and/or export business

•Serve your foreign customers competently

•Find more adequate suppliers and build a larger customer base

•Organize payment transactions, logistics, team formations

•Get information on a variety of possible funding options 

H&R is to be a highly competent and reliable contact partner offering solutions to any of your concerns.